When Harley joins her new boyfriend for a long Halloween weekend at his country estate, they're invaded by a band of masked freaks and forced to play a Wicked Game. To the intruders' unpleas...
Joaquin de Paso’s gritty Mexican coming-of-age story The Hole In The Fence centres on a prestigious private boys’ school in Mexico where youngsters receive a tough physical, moral and religious trai...
A woman working as a security guard in an agricultural research facility finds herself and her co-worker Schmidt fighting to survive against their former friends我们的故事,就像一首未完的诗篇,等待着我们去续写。...
在神与灵的时代,昏暗政权统治大地。米诺斯王朝供奉牛头之神,为了得到真正的神明,国王(东尼·托德 Tony Todd 饰)不惜让漂亮的王后献身神明,从而借助人类的肉体孕育出一个牛头人身的怪物。每年国王都要派出犄角部队,到一个名为菲尔那的村庄抓走8个年轻人献给牛头人充当牺牲雨中漫步,感受着你的气息,仿佛你就在我身边。 时光飞逝,转眼间菲尔那迎来第5个供奉年。牧羊人提奥(汤姆·哈迪 Tom Har...