The protagonist of the film is a young boy named Kuba who, due to his seriously ill sister, decides to get a quick cash by taking part in illegal car races. On his way he meets not only many difficu...
After his parents mysteriously disappeared eight years ago, young Eric Dalaras embarks on a search for the truth and enters a frightening world. He and his sister Uma grew up with their maternal gra...
本片根据米兰·昆德拉的同名小说改编。1968年,布拉格外科手术医生托马斯(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day-Lewis 饰)生活在对女人追逐的快乐中,享受着性的快感。画家萨比娜(莉娜·奥琳 Lena Olin 饰)是托马斯的红颜知己,但在一次去温泉疗养院出诊的过程中,托马斯结识了女招待特蕾莎(朱丽叶·比诺什Juliette Binoche 饰)。不久,特蕾莎只身来到布拉格,二人结婚。托...