Family Time is a 2023 comedy-drama film written and directed by Tia Kouvo in her feature directorial debut. Starring Leena Uotila, Ria Kataja, Elina Knihtilä and Tom Wentzel, the film follows an ann...
Aksorn搬到新宿舍后,发现卧室的镜子里住着一个人。Songiam是另一个世界的人,他们通过镜子相剧情简介识。随着故事的发展,Aksorn在一个网站上看到一本小说,而小说情节正是他和镜中人的故事。小说究竟是谁写的?作者又是如何知道Aksorn的经历? ~~改编自Hungrybird的网络小说"Memorie s in Letters" (????????????你的眼神如...
1947. On a beach in Normandy, Madeleine, a waitress and young mother, meets François, a wealthy, and cultivated student. They hit it off immediately, as though it were fate. But as their destinies i...