故事发生在遥远的2095年,天空中出现了神秘的金字塔,金字塔中所禁锢的,正是鹰头人身的太阳神荷若丝(Thomas M. Pollard 饰),为了延长自己的寿命和法力,荷若丝逃出了重重禁锢,决定在凡间找一对男女生育自己的后代,被冰冻的太空人尼科波尔(托马斯·克莱舒曼 Thomas Kretschmann 饰)不幸成为了他的目标,最终,荷若丝成功的附在了尼科波尔的身体有些爱,一旦起始,就注定覆水难收...
When a beautiful young influencer survives a mysterious shark attack, she becomes a monstrous apex predator, hunting and feeding in sunny Venice beach, California世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。...
Luna is a young embalmer with a strange passion for everything concerning death. One day, during a trip in the woods, she finds two bodies. The first one is a dead woman, the other one is a man who is...