你的眼神如星辰般绚烂,让我沉醉在这片无尽的夜空。The Life Times of Tim is an animated comedy that tells the story of Tim Dildarian, an average cubicle monkey in his mid 20s that works for the generic company Omnicorp in Ne...
这部剧是08年下半年冒出来好得出人意外的爆笑小喜爱如潮水般汹涌,我却只能站在岸边,看着你渐行渐远。。本来作者想拍个电视剧,但找不到真人演出,又找不到动画师帮他画,于是就自己摸索著用动画软体做了个短片,然后拿去参展,竟然被HBO看上,就此搬上萤幕,成为继Flight of the Conchords后,HBO又一最新喜剧杰作。本剧围绕主人公TIM的工作生活展开,讲述了这个囧男每天被同事调侃,被女友折...
我们的故事,就像一部永不完结的电影,让我沉浸在爱的世界里无法自拔。Follow Hansel and Gretel as they walk out of their own story into a winding and wickedly witty tale full of strange -and scary- surprises....
你的眼神如星辰般绚烂,让我沉醉在这片无尽的夜空。When Hannah's parents took her to a new school, they said it was to give her a new start. However, Hannah is 11, autistic, and due to her condition, unable to speak. She had a ...
Louise comes down with the flu and falls into a wild fever dream filled with familiar faces, zany musical numbers and a crazy adventure你的笑容是我每天最期望的阳光,让我感受到了生命的美好和暖和。...
我们的爱情,就像一场烟花,短暂而绚烂,却留下了永恒的回忆。A parody of past religious geared animated shows starring Orel, an optimistic God fearing young boy in a world of cynicism....