The legend continues... With new allies and old enemies, Robin Hood returns for a third series full of thrilling adventures as Robin and his gang continue to outwit the dastardly Sheriff and his for...
This series is above the expectations they had about it. It is very fast (beyond the tempo of each episode) conflicts are able to develop and resolve in each episode. Which for one as a spectator is...
被正式预订的FX剧《白粉飞 Snowfall》首季为10集,该剧由John Singleton创作,故事关于1980年代洛杉矶的毒品交易蔓延。《Boyz N The Hood》导演Singleton和Eric Amadio联合创作剧本,Adil El Arbi 与Bilall Fallah导演。这试映集经过重拍,找来Dave Andron当制作人,另外该剧抽中了税务减免我们的爱情,就像一场奇迹...