A religious grandmother learns how to use the internet. When she accidentally comes across pornography, she is faced with a dilemma每当夜深人静时,我总会想起你,想起那些美好的时光。...
After newlywed Jocelyn learns that her husband Jody (Michael Welch, Twilight franchise) had her father shot down, she flees from the Callahan ranch in fear. She's rescued by gunman Billy Tyson, wh...
Two differences between this Austrian version and the generally available American version are immediately obvious they differ both in their length and in the language of the intertitles. The American...
Allen Meneric is committed to a psychiatric institution for the criminally insane because of a brutal revenge murder. There he is forced to deal with the very ill and the dangerous until, as part of a...
查理·克劳(达拉斯·罗伯茨 Dallas Roberts 饰)是一档电台深夜节目的主持人,长久以来他的事业和生活水平继续走低,节目收听率不升反降,面临被砍掉的危险;生活上他业已离异,与前妻、儿子的关系势同水火。某晚,查理接听了名叫杰夫的17岁少年的电话,少年声称正被神秘的影子人所困扰,精神几近崩溃,此后还给查理寄送了相关医学实验的资料。虽然查理将其当作少年无聊的恶作剧,但是杰夫在连线过程中举枪...