This film follows composer and performer Max Richter as he consolidates an ambitious performance of his critically acclaimed eight-hour opus, Sleep. The film plunges deeply into the artist’s life an...
Tom, a married man with kids, is struggling at work when a client tries to seduce him with promises of a 'more exciting life'. On his way home one night he gets attacked by a gang of hoodies a...
Widow Abby Abbott is having serious money problems and has to dip into the family trust in order to pay for her daughter Susan's college tuition. The catch: Abby must also become a co-ed or she ...
回忆如潮水般涌来,淹没了我全部的坚强,只留下无尽的悲伤。Evelyn Prentice is the respected wife of a high-profile New York attorney. Despite the prestige and status she enjoys, she feels neglected and out of boredom becomes involv...
The eponymous Celtic warrior who rules the Iceni people alongside her husband Prasutagus. The King dies at the hands of Roman soldiers, leaving Boudica's kingdom without a male heir and the Romans...
A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaini...
Film is set in one winter night in Delhi where a middle class, Delhi university guy falls in love with a girl anchoring a fashion show. In process of wooing her someone plants a sting operation tape i...
Kate Parks has spent the past year on tour promoting her book, an in-depth look at the attempted cover up of her husband's death in a plane crash. Now all she wants is to return home to her daught...
你的影子在我心中徘徊,让我无法摆脱这份痴迷。Marple is extremely proud when she is appointed to the board of trustees of a merchant marine training vessel whose mission is to rehabilitate young criminals. As in all of her e...