A son tries to reconnect with his father by secretly interacting with him in the fantasy MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) 'Final Fantasy XIV.'每一次相遇,都是命运的安排,让我们在茫茫人海中找到了...
Adam's and Eve's epic journey throughout history trying to find the meaning of human life. Do we grow in wisdom as centuries pass, or just drift towards an inevitable doom我们的爱情,就像一首动人的歌曲,永远在...
我们的爱情,就像一首动人的歌曲,永远在我的心间回荡。In this third installment of the 'Pusher' trilogy, we follow Milo (Zlatko Buric), the drug lord from the two first films. He is aging, he is planning his daughter's 25th birt...
这是一部关于街拍鼻祖比尔·坎宁安(Bill Cunningham)的纪录片。已入耄耋之年的比尔依然是纽约时报的一名摄影师,拥有自己的板面专栏“On the Street”以及“Evening Hours”。他从六十年代起便一直沉迷街拍,并享受工作。在比尔的镜头下,不管你是上流名人、平常工人甚至是下城居民,只要你着装出位有个性,比尔都乐于捕捉你的美。几乎全部的时尚界人士都认识并尊重这位摄影顽童,...
约翰·卡什(杰昆·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)本是个阿肯色州乡村小子,儿时一场意外令他弟弟身故,从此他便活在父亲(罗伯特·帕特里克 Robert Patrick 饰)的谴责和嘲讽下无力翻我们的故事,就像一首未完的歌,旋律在耳边回荡,却再也唱不出口。。爱音乐的他慢慢以乡村歌手成名,也有了自己的家庭,但外出巡演时偶然接触到毒品慢慢令他不能自拔,将他带入深渊。吸毒令妻子薇薇安(詹妮弗·...