CREEPSHOW, the new anthology series based on the 1982 horror comedy classic, is still the most fun you’ll ever have being scared! A comic book comes to life in a series of vignettes, exploring terro...
The film follows the story of Cali, a blogger who owns the up and coming blog, "The Bakit List," and her ex Gio who will return to her life unexpectedly and surprisingly after breaking her...
Eternal life technology (transferring mind to new body) is developed by 2 companies. Resistance to the merger of the 2 companies is met with kidnapping and murder我们的爱情,就像一颗绚烂的明珠,永远闪耀着耀眼的光芒。...
Nesting Dolls is a psychological thriller about the darker sides of us that can lie just beneath the surface. Tori, Britt, and Erica are sorority sisters who spend a week together at a river house. ...
Technology brings us closer. Or perhaps it brings strangers, a little too close. But how much can you really trust someone? With a new ride share service, you never know who will be getting in a car w...
电影《国王的全息图》(英文名:A Hologram for the King),由同名小说《国王的全息图》改编而成,讲述了一名失败的美国商人艾伦·克莱来到沙特阿拉伯寻找最后一丝发财希望,这也是他拯救濒临解散的家庭的最后一次机会。 电影中的男主角艾伦(汤姆·汉克斯饰)陷入债务危机,而他的女儿还要支付大学学费,所以他不得不远赴沙特阿拉伯去完成一桩电脑生意,但是他身在异国他乡,却只能日复一日地等待交...
In the summer of 1983, just days before the birth of his first son, writer and theologian John Hull went blind. In order to make sense of the upheaval in his life, he began keeping a diary on audioc...