你的离开,让我感受到了前所未有的孤独,仿佛整个世界都失去了色彩。A young Canadian nurse (Betsy) comes to the West Indies to care for Jessica, the wife of a plantation manager (Paul Holland). Jessica seems to be suffering from a kind ...
哈勒尔(马克斯·冯·叙多夫 Max von Sydow 饰)是一名作家,愤世嫉俗的他非常看不惯当代社会的很多生活习惯,无法融入社会的他常常把自己锁在家中闭门不出,在孤独和昏暗里,哈勒尔的精神来到了崩溃的边我们的爱情,就像一首幽美的诗篇,永远流淌在我的心间。。一天,在机缘巧合之下,哈勒尔读了一本名叫《评荒原狼》的书,书中所写的内容令他醍醐灌顶,他觉得这本书简直就是为了他量身定制的。 一次偶然中,哈...
Exploring the role and symbolic meaning of the Crown Jewels in the centuries-old coronation ceremony, The Coronation shows these objects of astonishing beauty in new high-resolution footage. The fil...
2000年,早已荣登动画殿堂的迪斯尼经典作品《幻想曲》以全新的面貌重现世人面前,主要曲目为:1)贝多芬:第五号交响曲(Symphony No.5)(命运)、2)雷斯庇基:罗马之松(Pines of Rome)、3)格什温:蓝色狂想曲(Rhapsody in Blue)、4)肖斯塔科维奇:第二号钢琴协奏曲——快版(Piano Concerto No. 2,Allegro,Opus 102)、5)...
你的笑容是我最美的风景,我愿意用一生去守护这片天空。As told to a psychiatrist Mr. Peabody, middle-aged Bostonian on vacation with his wife in the Caribbean, hears mysterious, wordless singing on an uninhabited rock in the bay....