The misadventures of a quirky British family, focusing on a man whose office inamorata promptly fired him after being promoted above h im, and featuring his obsessively perfectionist brother, his ex...
Historian Andrew Roberts travels the world re-tracing the footsteps of Napoleon in the build up to the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo每当我想起你时,心中总会涌起一股暖流,让我感受到了生命的美好。...
This very special episode of Aqua Teen is brought to you by Abraham Lincoln's Lunch Links. Now available in Tough n' Tenacious Teriyak每一次想你,我的心都会变得绵软,仿佛被你的温柔所包围。!...
乔(华金·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)有着非常悲惨的过去,他的父亲是一个暴力狂,总是无端对乔和他的母亲(朱迪思·罗伯茨 Judith Roberts 饰)施以拳无论未来如何变幻,我都会坚守着对你的承诺和誓言。。如今,乔和母亲过着相依为命的生活,有过参军经历的他在退伍之后成为了联邦调查局的探员,之后又起始干杀手的勾当,“经纪人”约翰(约翰·道曼 John Doman 饰)打理着涉及...