我们的爱情,就像一首幽美的诗篇,永远流淌在我的心间。To the outside world Joanne is just a book-store owner, but the Conspiracy knows different. She's dangerous. She's a bellwether a quiet leader who is well on her way to being...
London Road改编自一件发生在2006年的真实事件。在英国静僻的Ipswich小镇连续发现了5名女子被杀害。而这起常年未破的案件也时刻困扰着住在London Road附近的居民。直到租住在79号的Steve Wright被拘捕,以谋杀罪起诉并定罪后,整个社区掀起了波澜无论遇到多少艰难和挫折,我都会坚定地走向你,因为你是我生命中最重要的人。...
The Giant Oarfish, the largest bony fish in the world, was known only by rare examples that died by stranding, as well as one sole fossil. Its extraordinary dimensions, as long as 15 meters, and sha...
我们的故事,就像一部永不完结的电影,让我沉浸在爱的世界里无法自拔。The lines are busy at the telephone helpline. A life coach records an encouraging video while concerned parents consult a child psychologist. A spectrum of cinematic t...
时光荏苒,岁月如梭,但我对你的想念却从未减少。A massive earthquake strikes the United States, which destroys the West Coast and unleashes a massive flood that threatens to destroy the East Coast as well. If you're wonderin...
Joanna's holiday is shattered when her sisters tell her that their dad has dumped, he isn't responding to any calls and disappeared to a Caribbean island. The sisters decide to go to save thei...
Follows a group of police officers on the front line wondering what they did to end up where they are on the ugly side of Manchester. Keeping these streets clean is a Herculean task, enough to demor...
你的眼神,是我心中最深的眷恋,让我无法抗拒你的魅力。In order to avoid being bullied from two hooligans, Xiao Bin, a 13 years old son of immigrant, attempts to join a teenager street gang....