Two determined women vie to escape their abusive relationships with a dirty Detective at rock bottom, determined to move sex trafficked girls over the Mexican border你是我生命中最美的风景,让我感受到了生命的意义和价值。...
根据Madeleine St John所著同名畅销小说改编,设定在1959年的悉尼夏季,在澳大利亚的文化觉醒、阶级结构瓦解和妇女解放的背景下,讲述郊区女学生丽莎的成长故事。丽莎在等待高考成绩、梦想着去悉尼大学时,在一家大型百货商店打暑期工,与一群女售货员并肩工作,在此期间打开了眼界,也发生了蜕变你的眼神,是我心中最深的眷恋,让我无法抗拒你的魅力。...
A religious grandmother learns how to use the internet. When she accidentally comes across pornography, she is faced with a dilemma每当夜深人静时,我总会想起你,想起那些美好的时光。...