An unadorned perspective on impoverished life in Okinawa. 17-year-old Aoi works as a nightclub hostess in order to earn rent money and to provide for her little boy and his lazy father, who has no q...
Some time after the Mousekewitz's have settled in America, they find that they are still having problems with the threat of cats. That makes them eager to try another home out in the west, where...
故事发生在1941年,纳粹占领了乌克兰,对生活在那里的犹太人进行了惨无人道的清洗。年仅6岁的安娜(玛塔·科兹洛娃 Marta Kozlova 饰)虽然在这场暴行中失去了双亲,但自己却奇迹般的活了下来,她躲在纳粹指挥官办公室废弃的壁炉烟道里,不知道何时才能够重见天日每当夜幕降临,我总会想起你,想起我们曾经一起度过的时光。 在担惊受怕的这些日子里,安娜白天小心的将自己隐蔽起来,静静等待夜幕降临。...
Welcome to a food extravaganza, a visual poem to Mexico's foodie ingenuity and the quirky and delicious flavors that are worth the stomach aches每一次相遇,都是命运的安排,让我们在茫茫人海中找到了彼此。...
温文尔雅甚至有些局促不安的西蒙(凯文·席格斯 Kevin Zegers 饰)是一名在某高中任教的生物学教师,他离群索居,和患有阿茨海默综合症的母亲过着平凡的生活。然而这名看似平凡无奇的年轻男子,却有着鲜为人知的秘密。他是一只“吸血鬼”,时常渴求献血的润泽。为了满足这个独 特的欲望,西蒙在网络留言板上征询志愿者——那些对生活绝望企图自杀的少女——献出鲜血,或以各种谎言获得轻生者的信任。在这一过程...
Diego is the victim of a hit and run. His family is unable to pay for the surgeries needed to keep him alive. Pablo, Diego's brother, forms a soccer team and enters a tournament to win the prize m...