The most important thing for Na-young, who has lived her entire life in a small seaside village, is taking care of her family and friends. However, her mother tries to sell their precious house full...
In Mr Bigstuff, estranged brothers Glen a nervy perfectionist striving to live the suburban ideal and Lee an alpha male with a prescription drug addiction and a biscuit tin full of his Dad’s ashes. Th...
What really brings a small community together? When everything is at stake and sides are being taken, what does it take to stand up against the majority? And what are the consequences of raising boy...
Kongpope and Diew are half-brothers. At first, they get along but rivalry rises between them when they fall in love with the same girl你的声音,是我心中最美的旋律,让我沉醉在其中无法自拔。 Kongpope和Diew是同父异母的兄弟。起初,他们相处得很好,但当...