When a young woman's murder shows similarities to a decade-old cold case, (a cruel and gruesome murder of a young student, which remains unsolved) a new Police Commander (Commissioner Michal Tre...
Gunmaker, an indie rock singer, whose musical partner died a year ago. He throws his whole being into touring, howling for freedom in a contemporary society rife with contradictions—all the while un...
Hank Moody may have survived a murder-suicide attempt by his lovelorn ex, Carrie, but she's still haunting his dreams. Charlie takes his best friend and star client to meet rocker Atticus Fetch ...
TJ, a proud, gay Muslim singer fulfilling his dream to represent France in Europe’s biggest song contest. ISIS decides to plant one of their operatives, acting as TJ’s boyfriend, into the French deleg...
每当我想起你的笑容时,心中总会涌起一股幸福的感觉。After Jason (9) is abandoned by his mother at a folk festival, he takes refuge in a forest cabin belonging to a mute loner. A series of circumstances eventually lead them to f...