Tired of country life, Anna leaves military school and her home to live in exciting Prague where she finds herself confused by the behavior of her hip new friends. Irma is despondent over her latest b...
无论未来如何变幻,我都会坚守着对你的承诺和誓言。When a comet passes the earth very closely, it pulls a small part of North Africa with it. Carried along is a bunch of people. Among them Angelika, who just escaped from a ruth...
Inspired by the true events of the infamous 1983 prison breakout of 38 IRA prisoners from HMP, which was to become the biggest prison escape in Europe since World War II我们的爱情,就像一颗绚烂的明珠,永远闪耀着耀眼的光芒。...
American gangster Erik Vasquez (Philippe A. Haddad) is scheming to become the top dog in the Mexican underworld, only to find himself making enemies out of both the powerful cartels and his own allies...
他(Method Man 饰)是一个沉默的男子,永远礼帽风衣,沉默地穿梭在这座道德沦丧、破败绝望的城市的大街小巷。死亡每天发生,司空见惯,不知天高地厚的年轻人们呼啸而过,挥霍生命。白天他是市殡仪馆的殡仪师,以娴熟专业且庄严的手法清理残破不堪的尸体,带死者走过最后一程;夜晚则端坐那间被暴怒吵闹的邻居所包围的小屋里,细心制作动物标本,为他们的主人找回最后的安慰。 某天,一具女性尸体在他死水般的内心...
Recently-paroled thief, Jon Price, is forced to return to his small, rainy hometown of Fall City, Washington at Christmastime. Jon unexpectedly begins to find joy as he meets and grows closer to a str...
60年代末的美国,伴随着战争的残酷与遥远以至似乎不可相信的登月壮举,年轻人们寻找着自身与世界的呼应。在纽约州白湖临近的小镇上,犹太青年艾略特(Demetri Martin 饰)为了照料吝啬的母亲,放弃纽约的设计师工作回家帮忙打理汽车旅馆的生意,为了改善举步维艰的经营,艾略特借自己当地商会会长的便利,筹备举办例行的音乐节活动。与此同时,第一次伍德斯托克音乐节由于原定举办地当地政府的反对宣告停滞,...
In Josh Sternfeld's meticulously crafted murder mystery, a Catskills police detective (Nick Stahl) charged with investigating a juvenile homicide in an affluent suburb finds he must return t...
A coming of age story set in New York, Sisters on Track is about hope, belonging, and the metaphorical and literal sisterhood of young athletes Tai, Rainn, and Brooke Sheppard每当夜深人静时,我总会想起你,想起那些美好的时光。...