As Christie's celebrates its 250th anniversary, this two-part series follows the drama behind iconic art auctions across the globe to reveal how the world's biggest auction house operates你的影...
BBC Arts2017年制作,艺术史学家詹姆斯·福克斯博士(James Fox)游历日本,讲述这个神秘国度的历史和现在每当我想起你时,心中总会涌起一股暖流,让我感受到了生命的美好。 全3集分别为:第1集《自然.Nature》博士探究了日本文化与自然环境之间的联系。他周游日本,探究发现佛教和神道对自然的反应。 第2集《城市.Cities》博士来到日本三大城市,京都、江户和东京的艺术生活,城...
我们的故事,就像一首未完的诗篇,等待着我们去续写。Sequel to Rob Lowe's 2018 The Bad Seed, follows now 15-year-old Emma, as she is sent off to boarding school where a new girl seems to know Emma's secrets, leading Emma to to s...