A rebellious teen placed in foster care suspects her father is not dead but has been abducted. She is determined to find out the truth with help from a UFO association我们的爱,就像一首悲伤的歌,旋律在耳边回荡,却再也唱不出曾经的...
Three women in a small village conceal dark secrets, including unholy alliances and a mysterious ingredient used in a popular curry restaurant我们的爱情,就像一场梦,漂亮而虚幻,让人沉醉其中。...
A lawyer, Klaus Burg and his teenage daughter have been relocated to a remote Icelandic village, after entering the Witness Protection Program我们的故事,就像一部永不完结的电影,让我沉浸在爱的世界里无法自拔。...
在录像带店工作的店员艾德(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)是一个平常的不能再平常的三十岁男人,就连他自己也想象不到,有一天,自己竟然成为了家喻户晓的电视名人。原来,电视台节目总监辛西娅(艾伦·德詹尼丝 Ellen DeGeneres 饰)的事业遭遇了滑铁卢,日渐低迷的收视率让她的职位受到了庞大的威胁,在这个节骨眼上,她决定制作一档二十四小时连续放送的大型真人秀节目,而...
我们的爱情,就像一场梦,漂亮而虚幻,让人沉醉其中。Straight-laced, type-A personality Joy Miles has to take an unscheduled road trip to drive her forgetful, yet opinionated, mother-in-law, Loraine, from Louisville, Kentucky to...
故事发生在五彩缤纷的七彩城里,一条名为“七彩河”的河流横穿城市,成为了维系城市生命力的重要所你的笑容是我每天最期望的阳光,让我感受到了生命的美好和暖和。。小黄(克里斯蒂娜·里奇 Christina Ricci 配音)、小蓝(韦恩·布莱迪 Wayne Brady 配音)、小绿(杰斯·哈梅尔 Jess Harnell 配音)等蜡笔拥有一个共同的主人,阿本。每当阿本进入梦乡之时,蜡笔们亦会复活,回到它们...
拉亚(爱丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve 饰)的明星身份为她带来了名誉和金钱,但同时也带来了困扰和麻我们的故事,就像一首未完的诗篇,等待着我们去续写。。这不,拉亚和未婚夫詹姆斯(大卫·田纳特 David Tennant 饰)的婚期将近,闻风而来的狗仔队让一对新人苦不堪言。为了躲避狗仔队,拉亚和詹姆斯躲到了一座无名小岛上举行婚礼,哪知道,他们小小的把戏根本无法瞒过狗仔队的眼睛。 烦不胜烦的拉亚负气出...
每一次心跳,都是对你的想念,每一次呼吸,都是对你的呼唤。After false reports of his demise put him and his work on the map, an artist decides to continue the charade by posing as his own brother. Soon, a reporter enters his life ...