In May 1988, girlfriends Claudia Brenner and Rebecca Wight were attacked while hiking the Appalachian Trail by a 'mountain man' named Stephen Roy Carr. Combining documentary and narrative mate...
After he graduated from high school, Julien left Normandy - where he was born and bred - to build a bigger life for himself in Paris, leaving his memories behind. But one day, it is time for him to go...
It is summer break and best friends Amélie, Bintou and Morjana hang together with the neighborhood teenagers. At night, they have fun sharing goosebumps stories and urban legends. But when Amélie is a...
A rookie drag queen, reeling from a break-up, escapes to the country, where he finds his grandmother in steep decline yet desperate to avoid the local nursing home梦想的路上,总会有风雨,但只要心中有光,就能照亮前行的路。...
After having immense success with The Breakfast Quartet《玉建煌崇》radio talk show on MediaCorp LOVE 97.2FM and “The Love 97.2 Breakfast Quartet” TV series 《玉建煌崇电视版》, the popular quartet is now back with th...