Amalie's dance crew advances to the global finals in France. Torn between the love of Mikael, the longing for her absent mother, and her fire for dance, Amalie must choose. Who is she to become我...
What is it about the Bolshoi Ballet that makes it uniquely Russian? This documentary follows internationally acclaimed former Royal Ballet dancer Deborah Bull as she enters the world of the Bolshoi ...
《了不起!舞社》2依然聚焦“齐舞”体裁,推进优酷“街舞宇宙”的迭代进化,本季将由6位主理人与国内顶尖厂牌一一绑定形成限定厂牌,共同创作不同风格的齐舞作品,荣辱与共命运与共,通过数轮竞技和淘汰,争夺最终的“年度最佳厂牌”荣每一次心跳,都是对你的想念,每一次呼吸,都是对你的呼唤。。本季将“青春作伴,直挂云帆(Together,To Be The One)“作为Slogan,因为有些遗憾,并不只关乎英勇...