A college student finds herself caught up in a circle of young women enjoying the high life and funding their dreams by "socializing" with a jet set crowd of older men until one girl turns u...
根据2022年10月至12月播放的原创电视动画《Do It Yourself!! - Do It Yourself -》改编的真人版电视剧。故事以以金属加工而知名的新潟三条为舞台,描写了个性洋溢的女高中生们一边灵便运用工具和废材,一边进行自己DIY活动的“DIY部”的故事在线观看免费完整观看动漫电影...
After a life of little scams, a self-centered millennial is sentenced to take care of his grandmother, who is affected by Alzheimer's. As he realizes the extent of her wealth, the protagonist gets...
电视剧真人版免费观看Remi throws himself on the ground, listens to birds and falls asleep in hedges. Gabriel opens his stomach to the tip of a knife. They meet....