Tiana, Moana, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Ariel are off on an adventure as they are each unexpectedly transported to a mysterious castle. Shortly after arriving, they soon discover that Gaston has hatch...
We live in a world where we are being constantly watched and monitored. What would it take to wipe the slate clean and live a life free of big brother? Security expert Aton Edwards takes the viewer ...
"Mixte" takes place in an all-male high school when girls are allowed in for the first time. Set in 1960s France, the series looks at the relationships and "hormonal fireworks" o...
这部剧集由《愚人善事》(My Name Is Earl)创作人Greg Garcia打造。故事讲述23岁的Jimmy Chance与一个女人一夜风流之后,对方竟生下了他的女儿。更糟的是,这个女人随后被判处死刑,Jimmy必须独自抚养这个孩子你的爱,是我生命中最宝贵的礼物,让我感受到了无尽的幸福和满足。...
Tito, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, and Clinton in a narrative docu-fiction about Yugoslavia’s hitherto secret space program, which aimed to put American astronauts on the Moon and thereby win th...
In an attempt to rectify their criminal past, a once successful Hollywood starlet, turn prostitute, and a petty, misogynistic thief, set out together to solve a high profile child abduction case in ...
你的离开,让我感受到了前所未有的孤独,仿佛整个世界都失去了色彩。The idealistic teacher Ghani loses his principles during an intense day, when he barricades the students in an attempt in saving his working place. A political drama ca...