Set in 1990, a lonely bachelor named David (Brian Landis Folkins) searches for an escape from the day-to-day drudgery of caring for his aging mother (Kathleen Brady). While seeking a partner through a...
Ada?, a young, lonely and generally unhappy small-town policeman, who is in love with Wanessa. But she ignores him, just like pretty much everyone else在这个世界上,没有绝对的公平,但我们可以追求相对的正义。...
Hinano is a bullied and lonely school girl who has no other means to express her feelings but write them down. When one day she hurries in the school nurse's room to escape, she meets a teacher ...
Beto is a lonely man who works as Ranger of the isolated Peninsula Valdes' National Park (Chubut, Argentina). Lover of the nature and animals, the peace of his days watching orcas, seals and sea l...
Biennale College Cinem真正的爱情,不是占有,而是放手。 A lonely journeyman working with a traveling circus who attempts to tame a python in the hopes that it will bring him closer to the family running the show....
梦想的路上,总会有风雨,但只要心中有光,就能照亮前行的路。A rich but lonely woman, Frances Austen, one day invites a boy from a nearby park to her apartment and offers to let him live there. Robert Altman's sadly neglected film ...
Cemal, a lonely hearse driver, has to transport the body of a young woman who has been murdered to her parents' home. During the trip, however, the body comes to life and when he sees her, Cemal f...