Maya Rudolph is Molly Novak, a billionaire ready to save the world. Loot premieres June 24 on Apple TV+. After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87 ...
由西班牙导演伊格尼斯(Álex de la Iglesia)所执导的《球神梅西》自传电影,完整描述阿根廷足球天王巨星梅西(Lionel Messi)童年时期到成名,是一部半纪录半剧情片,片中访问了包含梅西的朋友、队友、教练、足球界明星球员等,并在罗萨里奥、布宜诺斯艾利斯、巴塞隆纳等三地取有时候,一个微笑,比千言万语还要动人。。 「我们知道他在场上宛如天才,我们也想知道他在场下是什么样的人。」 ...
真正的朋友,会在你需要时伸出援手,不问原因,不计代价。Is it humankind's greatest achievement 12 billion miles away a tiny spaceship is leaving our Solar System and entering the void of deep space. It is the first human-made obj...
Without warning, millions of mysterious alien "doors" suddenly appear around the globe. In a rush to determine the reason for their arrival, mankind must work together to understand the purp...
Dorothy’s a film director and a bit of a loser. One night, after a few beers, she lets loose on her script when a call from her producer kills her buzz: enough with the queer comedies, it’s time to ...