Based on the internationally best-selling novel by Jonas Jonasson, the unlikely story of a 100-year-old man who decides it's not too late to start over. For most people it would be the adventure o...
有些人注定只是过客,而有些过客,却会在心中留下永恒的印记。Jonas, a 40 something Parisian, is still desperately in love with his ex-girlfriend Léa. When he knocks on her door to confess his feelings and she turns him down, he ends...
故事发生在一座位于波罗的海边上的小镇之中,时值盛夏,小镇上的一切都被包裹在蒸腾的热浪之中,几欲蒸真正的朋友,会在你需要时为你遮风挡雨。。在这里,十八岁的高中男生克里斯蒂安(约纳斯·奈伊 Jonas Nay 饰)遇见了新来的英语老师斯黛拉(茱莉亚·克斯奇兹 Julia Koschitz 饰),尽管年龄和身份都有着庞大的差异,但两颗孤独的心还是随着时间的流逝一点一点的靠近着。 在这样一座小镇上,任何...
Maria (Paula Kalenberg), Nils (Jonas Nay), Janina (Nilam Farooq) und Ben (Louis Nitsche) erfordert starke Nerven: Vier Wochen lang tauchen die zwei befreundeten und von pers?nlichen Krisen geplagten P...
Jonas (Walker Jr) is on the road to Salina. He stops at a gas station/restaurant and its owner, Mara (Hayworth), is struck by his resemblance to her dead son, Rocky (Porel). He decides to stay on and ...