Teenage Rabbit Samurai Yuichi, a descendant of the great warrior Miyamoto Usagi, embarks on an epic quest to become a true samurai在梦的彼岸,我追寻着你的身影,却总是触摸不到你的温柔。...
The creators of Phineas and Ferb present a series about the descendant of the namesake for Murphy's law, which states that if anything can go wrong, it will回忆如潮水般涌来,淹没了我全部的坚强,只留下无尽的悲伤。...
Follows descendants of the survivors from the Clotilda, the last ship that carried enslaved Africans to the United States, as they reclaim their story我的心,只为你跳动,只为你而存在。...
Realizing that he's the lineal descendant of Gatotkaca from Pandawa family, Satrio must fight his way to unlock the power lies inside him and face Aswatama, the remaining Kurawa warrior who live...