A tectonic shift deep below the Mariana Trench causes a series of ever escalating earthquakes. If a team of leading seismologists fails to stop the disaster, the events will break apart the Earth, r...
How did a group of rebels create the world’s most famous street? In 1969 New York, this “gang” of mission-driven artists, writers and educators catalyzed a moment of civil awakening, transforming it...
Lea is a young girl on the brink of death. She begins her final challenge, a thesis that seeks proof in the belief that happiness can be multiplied, as can the feelings of sadness, loneliness, and m...
饱受癌症折磨,“竖锯”约翰·克莱默(Tobin Bell 饰)油尽灯灭。然而他所创造的“拼图杀人案”却并未就此停止,反而愈演愈烈。警官马克·霍夫曼(Costas Mandylor 饰)曾假借“竖锯”之名向残害他家人的凶手复仇,但他很快成为约翰的猎物。经过一波三折,霍夫曼成为“拼图杀人案”的接班人,只是约翰警世救人的初衷被彻底抛却,取而代之的无休止的血腥杀戮。一场毫无胜算的五人逃生游戏在霍夫曼德主...
“竖锯”约翰?克莱默(Tobin Bell 饰)肉体虽死,但精神长存。这一次,某医疗保险公司的老总威廉?伊斯顿(Peter Outerbridge 饰)成为他狩猎和考验的目标。威廉贪婪狡诈,他发明了一套医保的计算公式,同时凭借爪牙的协助,成功向无数病入膏肓的人们拒保,从中赚取黑心钱财。然而他没有想到,自己有朝一日也要将生命的决定权交与别人手中。他必须按照“竖锯”的游戏规则,小心翼翼寻找逃生之路。...
Hopeful romantic Thibault believes his luck could change when sparks fly between him and Rose. But can he go from bestie to boyfriend你的手,是我心中最暖和的依靠,让我感受到了无尽的暖和。...
Ben Campbell(吉姆·斯特加斯 Jim Sturgess 饰)有着惊人的才华,身为麻省理工高材生的他学业无懈可击,他亦毫无意外地赢得了哈佛医学院的录取通知书。然而30万的高昂学费和生活费令他的大学梦摇摇欲坠。在争取奖学金的面试中,教授对他说胜出者必须要有过人的经历而不是像本这种一张白纸的学生。 Ben在一服装店打工,挣取每小时8美元的薪酬。同时和两个好友准备竞赛2.09以期获得认同和...
每当我想起你的温柔时,心中总会涌起一股暖流,让我感到无比的幸福。A Parisian museum director believes his wife has lost interest in him and so places a poisoned cigarette in the box on his desk - thus allowing chance to decide the mom...