你的离开,让我感受到了前所未有的孤独,仿佛整个世界都失去了色彩。Americans on vacation in the Caribbean take a tour of a nearby island at night and watch a local voodoo ritual. Soon after, they find themselves stranded on the island ...
The beautiful Shizuka Himanoki has been saving herself for a boy she met twelve years ago. They made a promise back then, and she’s determined to keep it. But when she finally tracks him down, she c...
”Candelabra-bearing Evelyn Stewart and her guests have a procession through an old basement filled with festive costumes and spirits of death.我们的故事,就像一部永不完结的电影,让我沉浸在爱的世界里无法自拔。...
爱丽斯(米娅·华希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 饰)始终被同一个梦魇所困扰,直到她20岁时参加的一场聚会。本认为是一场无聊至极的聚会而已,没想到却是精心策划的求婚仪式。面对养尊处优的公子哥哈米什突如其来的求婚,毫无准备的爱丽斯着实被吓了一跳。爱丽斯被一只身马甲 的兔子所吸引,在追赶过程中爱丽斯掉入了一个深不见底的树洞里,来到了一个如同仙境般不可思议的“地下世界”。此时,生活在地下世界...
2005年1月,导演琳恩·露森远赴雪梨歌剧院为一场名为“Came So Far For Beauty”演唱会进行拍摄,为了向李欧纳致敬,Nick Cave及多位知名艺人共同参与了这场盛大的表演,并由知名音乐制作人Hal Willner担任总监。本片可说是首次对李欧纳这位音乐界的巨擘进行零距离接触、最赤裸的深入访谈,从李欧纳的诗作、小说等作品,甚至他的绘画创作及相片收藏等,透过难能可贵的访问和李...
我们的故事,就像一首未完的歌,旋律在耳边回荡,却再也唱不出口。Beautiful half-breed Pearl Chavez becomes the ward of her dead father's first love and finds herself torn between her sons, one good and the other bad....