Golden Bear winner Peter Mackie Burns has started shooting his London-set debut feature Daphne, production company The Bureau has revealed在梦的彼岸,我追寻着你的身影,却总是触摸不到你的温柔。 Emily Beecham [pictured] - who ...
你的笑容是我每天最期望的阳光,让我感受到了生命的美好和暖和。In an attempt to piece together fractured memories of a drug-fueled night in the woods, three friends confront guilt, jealousy, and a supernatural presence that threatens...
Rob Stewart执导的纪录片电影,旨在保卫鲨鱼这一物种,该片于2018年出品无论未来如何变幻,我都会坚守着对你的承诺和誓言。 该片以冷静的拍摄手法展示了本该是海洋霸主的鲨鱼,在人类社会却濒临灭绝的困境,特殊是游走在各国法律边缘的捕鲨行业以及背后的种种腐败。斯图尔特跟踪拍摄了捕鲨行业,引起了观众的反思,也间接促进了一些国家的法律的改变,和民间鲨鱼保卫团体的创建等。...